Friday 31 December 2010

A Garden presence for the New Year

Deep frost
Frost and Hydrangea leaves, morning sun
 As the year turns, the garden has gone in a matter of days from frozen

to mild and almost dry in places. This has allowed me out to explore the character of this new space we occupy for a while. Quite along while I hope, though in terms of the plants that are here already, we are newcomers.

The first delight I discovered was this quiet presence lurking beneath some unpruned young growth.


The trunk is a delight, so sturdy and moistly dark It is, I think, Prunus laurocerasus and stands at the top of a very short run of some all but invisible tiny little steps which will need to be cleared in time. It sits at the turn of a miniature walk that wends its way from the back door to the lawn.

Wol in his new home

Wol has been moved there, he seemed to fit with the spirit of the tree, despite being from Zimbabwe originally

Then this afternoon I went to clear this space,
a narrow little channel which zigzags between the house and the property boundary, and is fronted by a garage.
As I fought my way to the garage wall, I found this

the pattern of seedheads against the blue of the window frame delighted me. It did, however, have to go!

1 comment:

  1. So different to here where summer heat is biting hard and early morning watering is the norm.


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