Friday 7 July 2023

garden regulars

A couple of shots from the past two days.

This young fox has bee a regular in the past several months, sometimes with a sibling, sometimes with (we assume) Mum and sometimes with both. It is such a pleasure to watch them grow from the fluffy stage towards teenage sleekness I think he or she is assessing the water in the bird bath. Obviously popular as a couple of weeks ago we found the whole thing on its side on the path, and imagined with amusement the vulpine alarm as the thing toppled and spilled water everywhere! A quick hop, skip and scamper we suspect

And these avian folk are regular visitors. Columbus sits at the top of his tree with wife or child, awaiting The Man's delivery of breakfast. 

and the ring necked doves are often to be found sunning themselves on the back of the "cricket chair", always a pair, though we usually have a group of up to six wandering round, awaiting breakfast. 

Best go chivvy The Man to his morning tasks


  1. You can just imagine the start backwards, paw half-raised, then turn and bolt!

    1. absolutely, while shaking drops of water off in disgust!

  2. I love love your garden visitors! Especially that adorable fox! Mary @Hilltop Post

    1. we feel so lucky to have such variety in our garden guests, daily treasures


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