Thursday 12 November 2020


We have been encouraged to take exercise throughout this pandemic, for the good of both physical and mental health. Since buying a fitness band when I was still in work, I have made a concerted effort to increase the number of steps I do each day, when not constrained by higher levels of pain or exhaustion than normal. My first target, back in around 2017, and still deskbound, was 2000 steps a day. It has built since then to the point where I regularly reach my 5000 a day target and occasionally go well beyond. That won't sound like much to anyone with any sensible level of fitness, but for me it is an achievement, and tells me that I can probably manage more as long as I keep pushing, remain patient and accept that sometimes I won't even mange half those 5000 steps in a day.

We are fortunate where we live to have the sea within walking distance, and also very benign suburban streets where one can be aware of birdsong, the wind shushing through a hedge, low raking sunlight illuminating the leaves, and all sorts of interesting gardens to peer at. 

sunny skies or windy, the sea is always good to watch

there are fairies and gnomes of you look closely, I wonder what it's like when the lights come on!

There are so many interesting things to see when you are looking.

With the good of my health in mind, and with the help of the fitness app, I can now set myself distance targets and have managed nearly two miles on two different days. A long walk for me, with the occasional stop for breath catching and general realignment of aching bones! 


  1. Good of you to exercise Kat ! (I shóúld do the same ....)
    And thanks for the walk around your neighbourhood ;-)

    1. Glad you approve Els - I call it planning for old age!! ;-)

  2. Lovely to see the sea, in particular!

    1. Having lived by the sea since 1968 I can't imagine being away from it - it is so refreshing.

  3. I think a 2-mile walk is just perfect. I enjoyed that walk around with you.

  4. I'm glad you enjoyed it, it is certainly achievable, which is both the point and the pleasure, and one cannot waste the sunshine when it is here.


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