Friday 26 February 2021

in the sunshine

Darling daughter and I went for a lovely socially distanced walk around our local streets this morning, in deepest suburbia, while my splendid son in law stacked logs into the wood store for us. It was so warm and Jen was full of pleasure in the feel of the breeze on her skin after this long dark winter. We talked of this and that as mothers and daughters do. Later we sat in the garden with tea, watched a couple of buzzards soaring overhead, and chatted more of this and that, while the old dears listened in, guarding the gateway to the the productive space, which is the Man's domain

My afternoon was spent busy in the front garden, which is always in full sun, facing south as it does, while the shadows lengthened and the day cooled. There were many pleasures to enjoy

The winter jasmine holding the light in its petals

The weeping birch, with snowdrop, cyclamen and daffodil nestled at its foot

shadows on the wall

and our newest bed, which still needs some taming, and where things are just starting to find their way in quite heavy soil.

crocus for colour now, and the tulips coming through for later

and of course, the great swathe of bluebells, not native, which will be throwing their weight around in a couple of weeks. Who would think that those dainty clusters of green shoots would shoot up and engulf all around them; they look quite demure in the foreground there don't they? When they are in bloom I will post a picture again, so you can see why I always forgive them!

so many lovely textures to enjoy

I filled a couple of trugs, some for the compost, some for disposal, and then tidied myself away indoors for tea and biscuits and a warm seat.

I hope your weather has been as nice as mine?


  1. What a lovely thing it is to have a daughter to visit with. Like your daughter I love the feel of warm breezes blowing through my hair. Your Old Dears are so...well, dear. It appears the Lady Dear has taken, perhaps, her knitting to the garden. Is that right? You already have so much wonderful color beginning to pop in your garden. We do have crocus and jonquils.

    1. Yes, I think the lady dear is doing her knitting. They started out life in a very very neat and tidy garden, with lawn edges hand clipped with scissors and a windmill painted white in the exact middle. I'm not sure they quite approve of the wayward nature of the place they have found themselves, especially as neither gardener wears a tie while digging and delving!!

  2. I do like your Old Dears. And a lovely, talkative walk in the sunshine sounds positively blissful!

    1. Blissful indeed. I am very lucky having Jen so close. The old dears have a backstory and started out in a very different life, but they make me smile and seem to accept that this is a garden really, just not quite what they were brought up to expect!


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