Sunday 21 February 2021

More signs of spring

Come with me, down the steps past the golden crocuses

To the secret space, tucked away

Here signs of growth hide behind last year’s dry stalks; suddenly there as I clear those stalks away, cradling green light 

Little flames of purple 

Blowsy blush flushes of frothy pink

A cat sits and ponders, wonders where his brother is. Usually nearby 

Things starting to age, to settle in

We spent a pleasant time just sitting in the last of the sunshine once we'd finished some clearing up. The sun has just begun to reach this spot - it will touch there now until late Autumn, rising bit by bit each day, peering over our south facing house, light falling down into the north facing garden, eventually filling the Dell with summer warmth.


  1. Oh, the Secret Garden! "Is the spring coming?" he said, "What is it like?"...
    "It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine..."

    What a lovely and wonderful post...I wanted it to go on and on!

    1. Thank you so much Mary. And you have quoted from my very favourite book of all time. Most of the gardens I have had have been a bit neglected and required some Secret Garden magic - in fact I started a textile piece about it back in 2015, and got no further. Time perhaps to revisit it.

  2. Love the Secret Garden vibe - and one of my childhood's favourite books, too!

    1. What you don't usually see here is that other Secret Garden vibe, involving lots of weeds and tangles of amorphous greenery and brownery! There is a delightful song by Karine Polwart about gardening called "Take it's Own Time". She writes wonderful songs if you can find her


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