Friday 5 February 2021

signs of spring

Some little bits of pleasure from my garden just now. The birds think spring is coming too, all sorts of singing in the garden first thing in the morning, and around and about when I take an evening constitutional. The sun is beginning to find its way into little nooks and crannies as it moves higher in the sky. 



  1. Oh my, how beautiful! I agree with the singing birds...spring is just around the corner. Or at least in your lovely garden. Around here it seems we will have another five or six weeks of winter. The Groundhog has casted his gloomy shadow over us.

    1. We are on the south coast of the UK, so very benign here, but today, snow!!!

  2. Cyclamen are among my favourites. A lovely sight - a blush of colour, just above the ground.

    1. They are mine too, those delicate flowers above such a robust looking tuber. And at a grey time of year when we all need cheering up as well


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