Saturday 6 February 2021

Scent and yellow

 I wish I could bring you the scent of this, I hadn't realised it was so full of flower this year, it's relatively young and in previous years, only had a few yellow tassels, but this year; a taste of things to come. It is still quite small, but the scent permeates the garden in little pockets of deliciousness

Further down, in the less picturesque, but more productive space, the greenhouse really could do with a washdown, but the canes are ready for beans. They are part useful harvest, part desperate attempt to keep the bamboo under control, because the thought of having it removed is a little anxious making!

Down in the Dell, the really wild space is also beginning to come alive. Green shoots of daffodil leaves, barely visible, line the left side of the path; last year's hazel poles await use on the right; the bare limbs of two fruit trees dance in the quiet. This is where the badgers have their home, and the foxes too, and in summer it is full of butterflies, the scent of the rambling rose and a riot of native umbellifers which feed the buzzies.

At the moment, the hazel is festooned in yellow catkins; in certain lights, a gentle blaze at the bottom of the garden; today a quiet dropping of colour


  1. One of the places I've been in Italy has what they call the "Bambooserie". Apparently the local people used to grow clumps of bamboo to provide stakes for their allotments, then the world turned, young people left to work elsewhere, and the bamboo took over the valley. In spite of the wild boar!

    1. What a wonderful name, it sounds like somewhere one should go for a little lie down when feeling bamboozled! It is very enthusiastic though and, much as we love the rustle and swoosh of the leaves in the slightest breeze, it is trying to take over a rather narrow path, so is being monitored with stern faces!

  2. Oh my, the garden is gorgeous (with or without a wash ;-) !)


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