Tuesday 16 February 2021


There's a joke about "sleevies"; I won't repeat it here for fear of a great groan of derision. But these will be sleevies quite soon. I have been knitting a jacket since darling daughter bought me the wool for my birthday in August (a "significant" one). She really shouldn't have but I had been wanting to knit up a pattern I found at a Knit and Stitch show we had been to several years ago. It was on my "when I've finished x,y,z and all things in between" list.

The pattern begins with the words "cast on 503 stitches" Not for the faint hearted then, but it is a lovely one; the body all knitted in one piece. It is the "Venus Coat" from Purl Alpaca designs. Like my previous jacket I have no illusions that I will look all sylph like, as per their model, but I thought it a lovely design and I've never knitted an all in one garment before so was looking forward to the challenge.

As I have reached the sleeves, you'll gather that the main body of the jacket is now completed. Every row of the "skirt" section took a Very Long Time, but was worth the effort. The pattern involved lots of "yo, sskpo, yo K2tog, yo ......" instructions, but the resulting open fabric will have a lovely swish to it. It was fascinating seeing how the pattern maintained the lacy open skirt while reducing the bulk up to the 3/1 rib body. The sleeves are now nearly complete and I face the final hurdle. In this case it is the fact that there are no making up instructions - no, really, there aren't. It just says "FINISHING Fasten all loose ends". I have looked and looked, and there is no small print hidden just beneath the front picture, or tucked away in the bit showing the measurements. I'm pretty sure I can work it out. At my advanced years I jolly well should be able join shoulder seams and neckband and set in a sleeve, but I think an email to the company might be in order, just in case there is a catch! 

In other news, I am considering moving all my stitch/textile/yarn related posts to my other blog - one I started in 2017 in an attempt to take part in the Year of Stitches project. (I lasted 'til May!). Perhaps that would be a better place for textile themes, leaving the current blog for my more family, garden and pondering posts. "An Elbow's Length of Thread" seems a more appropriate title for stitch related things. I wonder about the variety of posts here; perhaps the blog's title doesn't reflect content; can I manage to keep two blogs going? If I keep everything here then "An Elbow's Length" will just have to go!

What do you think?


  1. I had intended to comment earlier on "Sleevies", but clicked the link to see the previous oh-so-lovely jacket you had made. But, then there was the story of the mouse in the house which had to be read. I never found the ending so I still don't know the ending to the story. But, back to "Sleevies"...how I wish I could knit a jacket, one with a lacy skirt section knitted with open fabric that would have a lovely swish to it. I have no worry that the sleeves will fit perfectly into the jacket to your satisfaction.

    1. Aha, the mouse in the house episode was quite a long tale, and didn't end well for the mouse - or rather, his larger cousin a rat!!! I'll write it up, just for you!
      The other jacket has given much pleasure and much warmth. I'm hoping this one will do the same once finished. Knitting is a great pleasure - things seem to grow magically while one watches the news, unlike stitching which takes a bit more attention

  2. Don't know that joke Kat, but I'm sure you'll have an exquisite jacket when the sleeves are incorporated in the rest !!! (hmmm indeed : "not for the fainthearted" 503 stitches ...!!!)
    LOVE the Venus jacket/coat !
    And ... I'll follow you anywhere !

    1. Hi Els, it's an English joke which probably doesn't translate very well - the version I know being "where does a general keep his armies? Up his sleevies of course"!!
      Yes, 503 stitches was pretty daunting, but it grew and grew until it was done. I'm sure it will make up easily, but I have contacted the publisher just in case.
      And, thank you, what a lovely thing to say. I am still considering the move, mainly because the title of the blog fits my initial thoughts about keeping one, but doesn't really suggest much about stitching. It has been my ponder place for over ten years now, so I have a deep affection for it, but perhaps my stitchy ponders belong elsewhere.

  3. That coat/jacket looks lovely, although 503 stitches - yikes! I'm happy to read your thoughts where-ever you put them.

    1. Thank you Rachel - I shall continue to ponder where to put them!


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